Make it stand out.

Our goal is to provide educational life skill workshops, mentoring guidance, and experience to bring awareness to explore the opportunities of what life is meant for them as an indivisible. The workshops and mentoring guidance will enhance their understanding of their self-worth, confidence, and ability to make good decisions and choices for their life. The main workshops will be centered around Mental Health Awareness and Health Wellness.

Win The Day School-Based program is a five-week restorative practice for youth at risk of suspension and expulsion in middle and high schools. To disrupt the out-of-school disciplinary practices, Win The Day Youth Diversion Program keeps youth in school gaining support for re-engagement. Students build intentional relationships with campus leaders while learning the skills necessary to prevent future disciplinary actions.

win the day program

Our objective is to re-engage students who are disengaged, suspended, or expelled and historically lack opportunities or second chances within the school system.

Our goal is to increase students' engagement by increasing their capacity to learn the necessary skills to navigate the educational system.

We will connect students to resources inside and outside their school to help them pivot in the right direction to make a positive change.

We hope that students will become aware of how receiving support can positively impact their future.

We seek to empower students to make strong choices and develop decision-making skills using the journal.

Our ultimate goal is for students to be viewed as possibilities to be developed and not a problem to be solved, changing the school-to-prison- pipeline into a system that will instead support, uplift and value all students.

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Quick tips

    • shower daily (especially, after workouts)

    • wear deodorant

    • wear clean clothes

    • brush teeth 2x daily

    • brush/maintain hair

    • exercise regularly

    • journal your thoughts

    • get professional help if needed (therapy, school counselor, family-friend, coach, etc.)

    • sleep 7-8 hours

    • understand where these feelings/thoughts are coming from

    • manners always count, use them

    • everyone won’t like you and that’s okay

    • always choose to be kind

    • you are loved, no matter how you feel

    • sometimes your feelings lie to you